
Basic Valuation and Funding Concepts.

Are you puzzled by Basic Valuation and Funding Concepts? Don’t understand the many financial terms that regularly appear all over the place? Relax, you’ve come to the right place.

Background – Why this template?

I have spent twenty long years ideating and creating new business ideas and then pitching them for funding. When I started up, there were no understanding of the basics of Valuations and Funding, their Concepts, what they meant and how you could navigate them! This is my attempt to make some sense of the madness 🙂

Understanding the Basic Valuations and Funding Concepts is NOT hard or confusing:

Given the lack of clarity on these terms, entrepreneurs and startups get stressed and do not have the tools to help themselves. Valuations have existed from Time Immemorial (How did Barter work otherwise?). These are basic concepts that combine common sense and a bit of understanding finance basics.

The Basic Valuations and Funding Concepts Deck:

To make it easy for entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts,  and anyone ready to learn, I’m happy to present my version of a “Basic Valuations and Funding Concepts”. The slide deck has a real-world example inside. I have used all these principles for my current and most successful business –Games2win !

What’s inside:

Basics Valuation and Funding Concepts:

View directly on Google Slides and Download


There is a BASIC deck for Funding and Valuations. There are far more sophisticated methods and explanations about this vast topic! I’ve used this deck (and so have many others) and found it very satisfactory (Read comments). I suggest you examine as many references as possible and decide which one to use.

I would encourage you to connect with me in the event that you do not understand any of the slides inside.

I can be found here:

This presentation can be downloaded by clicking on the image below!

Click the image to download the presentation via Google Slides