

At the Monastery, we have interesting personalities. Sensei encourages monks to ‘be themselves’. Hence we have Laughing Monk, Truthful Monk, Mischief Monk and so on.

Yesterday, Traveller Monk came back from one of her journeys. She found joy in travelling and the Monastery residents loved to hear her stories. This morning she said “This trip was challenging. My luggage got misplaced and it took me two days to get it back.”

Sensei smiled and said, “Luggage and Life have lots in common. When you go to collect your bags from the belt, think of them as life’s gifts that are always meant for you, but take their own time in appearing. Sometimes they come early, sometimes they come last and once in a while these gifts get delayed or even misplaced. But come, they will. If your luggage gets lost, it was not meant for you in the long run. The surprise and the anticipation of waiting is what life is about.”
