
The OH That We Built (Mumbai, March 2014)

With complete and invaluable support from Alok and Asha, of course. Kind hearted NSE, prompt hearted Lowfundwala, Me, Hitesh bhai and our crack team with specific core competencies (Vinay with stinging sarcasm and a good camera, Pooja with her pleasant presence and AOY support, swift footed and ever willing Karan bhai & Imran, Nameet with his deep insights and a perspective that matters) did what we could as our first attempt of making an Open House happen after receiving key inputs and information filtered and directed by Asha. The long email threads, a couple of quick meets and the truth had really sunk in when we started testing the mike at the venue!

The experiences have been very well documented here (Sapan Kadakia), here (Anita Menon), here (Vikram Parekh) and here (Pics on FB). On behalf of the team, I’d like to say that we’re grateful for the love and support we enjoyed. Thank you.

We now realize that once we take over the mantle from our mentors (individuals who spearhead the community), we will leave them with more time to plan bigger things for The Rodinhoods. Like an efficient startup, City Teams can now be delegated the task of organizing events/meet ups on their own (Yay Mumbai Rocks FTW lol). The online platform can be curated to a higher level and great content can be created with specific results and stakeholders. All this, which will directly benefit the thriving community. A community of 7000+ entrepreneurs is definitely cool, but a community of 7000+ successful entrepreneurs running eight figure businesses is cooler!


“Smooth like Clockwork..”

Quoting our super Rodinhood, who aptly described the OH once it was done. It certainly was, thanks to all presenters (Ajay, Gunjan, Akshay, Jubanashwa, Bharat, Arpita, Divyesh, Alok himself and dear Divanjis) who were sweet enough to mail in their presentations on time, for being with us throughout to smoothen last minute wrinkles and for being so darn awesome on stage.


Create a Startup

To be quite frank- while the session did throw up fascinating discussions, we didn’t end up creating a startup. We’re happy though, now we all know that it isn’t a child’s play to build an idea that can be executed. And also, too many cooks spoil the broth. What we did manage was to open up possibilities and our minds to debate. We’re sure of creating executable ideas (or atleast a more effective framework) that will help churn out results faster. It simply needs some more work from our end. Suggestions will really help, please feel free to write in 🙂


What Next?

I’m confident that we have the freedom and opportunity to take this ahead by applying our crazy minds, crazy ideals and result oriented approach to build a tangible event structure. Can we have bigger, longer Open Houses? Can we include curated Startup Fairs? Can we highlight written content during the event? Can we focus on rockstars who are making this community happen? Can we make heroes and offer this stage to as many promising startups as we can? Can we include workshops and talks by brutally frank personalities who can hit nails on their head, driving the point home? Shall we ensure that all the startups who might not be doing certain things right, start doing them right? Can we stop glorifying failure and start glorifying successes? Can we, as Rodinhooders, start actively focusing on building as many successful startups out of these 7000+ members by working towards it?

You Now Have An Army

Yes, you do, Asha and Alok. An army of business people, consultants, designers, artists, chefs, writers and students. All with vested interests, of course, but creating a win-win situation is one of the key aspects of running a startup. All 7000+ of us have the opportunity to network and learn priceless lessons from folks who have been there, done that. The battle is worth it. Show us the lands to conquer, we will ride forth 🙂


love and peace