
The Path

Yesterday afternoon, Sensei traveled with the monks to the “Cave of a Thousand Paths.”

This was a unique Cave, carved out in a tall mountain, surrounded by dense forests. When Sensei and the monks reached the fringe of the forest, Sensei pointed to the Cave high above them and said, “Monks, please meet me there. Choose your own path.”

The monks looked around and were surprised to see that there were hundreds of paths that led into the forest. There were no visible signs with directions or maps.

After speaking, Sensei gently walked away and disappeared. Head Monk bowed to the Cave and soon vanished himself. A few minutes later, the monks stepped into the forest, choosing one of the thousand paths that lay in front of them.

What transpired turned out to be one the most difficult days for the monks.

None of them could find the right path to the Cave. They walked all afternoon and were exhausted, thirsty, weary and scratched by thorns. For long hours, they were all alone, with the bushes and forest for Company. Just as evening fell, and almost by magic, they heard the voices of Head Monk and Sensei, and by following their voices, they finally reached the Cave.

The Monks collapsed at the foot of the Cave. After they had refreshments and gathered their strength, Sensei asked some of the them to relate their story.

Angry Monk growled loudly and said, “Sensei you tortured us today. I just walked the path that seemed most trodden upon but landed up going in circles.”

Humble Monk sighed and said, “I looked out for the steepest path and thought it was the right one. Alas, it led me nowhere.”

Patient Monk said, “I assumed that the most crooked path would be the right one. It just made me go round and round.”

Adventure Monk (whose robes were completely torn) said, “I looked where there was ‘no path’! I just thought of walking through the jungle towards the Cave. Instead, I got ravaged by the bushes and the thorns.”

Sensei heard the monks patiently and with sympathy. Then he asked Head Monk for his story.

Head Monk bowed to Sensei, to the Cave and said, “All I did was looked at the Cave at all times. I did not choose the path. Instead, the path chose me. I followed my destination, not the path.”

Sensei clapped three times and said, “Just follow your destination and keep your attention only on it. Many paths will appear on their own to take you there. But instead if you focus on the many paths, then your Goal will soon disappear…”


Dedicated at the feet of Mahavatar Babaji.
