
The Shadow

This morning, Sensei and the monks had gone for a long walk.

Near a field, Sensei stopped and asked the monks, “Look at my shadow. Tell me what it means?”

Humble Monk said, “Sensei it means that even you are human.”

Arrogant Monk said, “Oh, so now we have to respect your shadow also?”

Sensitive Monk said, “Sensei, I see that your shadow looks paler than the rest of us. Maybe it is divine too…”

Business Monk said, “Ah! For those who can’t meet Sensei, we can now sell them his shadow..”

Sensei laughed and gurgled as he heard his monks speak.

Then Sensei asked Head monk for his view.

Head Monk bowed to Sensei and said, “What shadow? Sensei, I only see you.”

Sensei clapped twice and said, “Shadows are meaningless and futile. Don’t focus on reflections. Focus on the real thing and nothing else…”
