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The Unofficial Email Marketing Manifesto

–          You can’t earn a million dollars by spamming people to death.

–          You can’t earn a million dollars by emailing. You can only build a reputation, a community and eventually a real business.

–          Email Marketing is, in fact, Permission Marketing.

–          Create and nurture a community of passionate followers.

–          The people who have opted for you are your guests, your friends. Don’t deceive them.        

         Selling lists is equivalent to selling kidneys for money.

–          Pick a cause; a reason people should connect with you.

–          Forget about ‘making’ money online; you need to earn it.

–          Don’t sell but share.

–          Don’t think of grabbing the email id. Instead, think how to make him your friend for life.

–          Pop-ups work best for first time visitors. All others hate it.

–          Money is a by-product of email marketing not the main cause.

–          Selflessly share the best knowledge; information; data with them.

–          This is a connected economy, generosity rules.

–          This is a networked community, generosity rocks.

–          Understand the why of “Email Marketing”; why do you want to email me???

–          The How part is super easy; Google it and a million results will pop up.

–          “Why” is the most important question..

–          Why are you emailing me?

–          Don’t buy emails. It is a cheap resort to advertise yourself. And it sucks.

–          Grow your list, slowly but gradually.

–          Focus on the scarcest resource today: Attention. If you have the attention of the reader, you are the king.

–          Spamming is serious exploitation of the attention which you have earned. Don’t waste it.

–          Create value and more value. You can only become rich by providing value to others.

–           Think how you can provide value?

–          Create a legacy such that if you don’t show up, people will miss you. Not the other way around.

If you have survived till now, then please read these awesome posts by Seth Godin on Email Marketing:

Permission Marketing

Email Campaign Case Study: Good and Bad

Email Checklist

 About me: I am a Social Media Activist. I don’t email people, but yes, connect with them via social media platforms. I create content and consult businesses on content based Online Marketing. I am a would-be-entrepreneur and a huge fan of Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal


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