
What are you afraid of?

This morning, after early morning silence meditation, Sensei walked with the monks in the lawns of the monastery. There was a fresh smell of pine in the air.

Sensei asked the monks, “What are each of you most afraid of?”

Slowly and reluctantly the monks began to step forward to speak.

Curious Monk said, “Sensei, I am afraid of falling in love.”

Simple Monk said, “I am afraid of fame.”

Angry Monk said, “I am afraid that one day my anger will ruin me.”

Truthful Monk said, “Sensei, I am afraid of having to speak one lie.”

Sensei nodded compassionately as he heard his monks.

Business Monk said, “I am afraid I will lose my drive.”

Laughing Monk when asked laughed even louder.

Sensei asked Head Monk for his answer.

Head Monk bowed to Sensei and very softly said, “Sensei I am afraid of living my daily life in some fear or the other.”

Sensei clapped three times and said, “Our fears rarely come true, but we all live in the shadow of our fears. That’s worse than the fear itself. Get rid of the fear of your fear.”
