
Who is Sensei?

Head Monk invited all the monks and Sensei to dine at a new restaurant in town. When they reached the restaurant, there was a waiting period, and the manager requested the monks to bear with him for a little while. The monks agreed.

The manager asked Head Monk, “Can I please have your name, so that I can call you when your table is ready?”

Head Monk loudly announced, “I am Sensei.”

The monks were shell-shocked when they heard this. The other people waiting for their tables bowed to Head Monk (thinking him to be Sensei) and offered him their seats to sit on, as a mark of respect. He politely refused.

When all the monks managed to find a place to sit down together, Angry Monk asked Head Monk, “What is your name?”

Head Monk answered, “Sensei.”

Angry Monk looked at Sensei and then angrily asked Head Monk, “And who do you think he is?”

Head Monk gently said, “Sensei.”

This infuriated Angry Monk. A housekeeper was mopping the floor nearby. Angry Monk pointed to him and asked Head Monk, “And who do you think he is?”

Head Monk smiled and said, “Sensei.” Angry Monk looked like he was going to scream at Head Monk.

Sensei saw the situation getting tense and clapped three times. Everyone became quiet, including the waiting guests. Sensei said, “We are all Sensei. We are our own masters. We are our own leaders. We are our own Gods. Become aware of the ability to lead yourself. Become aware of the ability to make the right decisions for yourself, by yourself. Become Sensei.”

It was a divine moment and the words magically sank into everyone’s senses.

Just then, the manager who was allotting tables came around and announced, “Sensei, who is Sensei?”

Everyone in the waiting area stood up. Sensei laughed and Head Monk bowed to him.
