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Can anyone help me with the SENCHA FRAMEWORK for mobile app development


I am working on a mobile app for android and iOS. I am using the SENCHA FRAMEWORK.

The problem I am facing is that the android build is taking a long time to load on android devices.

Also the Cardova plug ins show error on the splash screen on android device. I checked the cardova code files, all works well. The same files work fine on iOS.

Is this common problem with Sencha or am i doing anything wrong with Android Build?


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  1. Please Answer the following questions :

    1) Is the app running properly on Android? Forget about initial load, let it take time, but is the apps logic is running fine in Android?

    2) What is the ERROR you are receiving on splash screen.

    Queries :

    1) What do you mean by Android Build (it has two different meaning),

     – are you talking about the process it takes to make an .apk file


    – Installing in your phone, the initialization takes too much time.

    Suggestions :

    1) Use Phonegap Framework, it allows you many functions.
    2) No, It is not the problem of Sencha.

    PS / Info :

    1) It is called as “CORDOVA” not Cardova
    2) Phonegap is build on CORDOVA

    Quick Tip : 

    If you have structured your project properly, you can use the following command to build your native application. This will also shrink your javascript size:

    sencha app build -e native -d pkg/native -a archive


  2. Hi Rahul

    Thanks for the reply

    1) Is the app running properly on Android? Forget about initial load, let it take time, but is the apps logic is running fine in Android?

    Yes, the apps logic is fine, it is functioning well on some android phonees with versions higher than 4.1, but not on 4.1 and less. Initial loading time today… 30 minutes… is that normal? I guess not. is it?

    2) What is the ERROR you are receiving on splash screen.

    Error is: cordova plug in error. However, surprisingly, the same code without errors is working on ios.

    The initialising takes a lot of time. building the APK file is not a problem.

    I use phone gap, same problem.

    Yes it is cordova (grammatical error there with writing it as cardova).

    Ok, let me try the command and check the result.

  3. Sure 🙂

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