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Just another REALIZATION bit!

I have realized: 

I have realized that Entrepreneurship has a wide definition but for me it means doing my own thing…and when you are doing your own thing it means its lonely, its depressing at times, but just hang in there, its better to be this way rather than being upset about doing for somebody else. 

I have realized that when you start this own thing, a lot of people don’t tend to associate with you. They judge you, demoralize you, conspire and say that you are useless, that’s the logic you are useless so you are making yourself useful…. 

I have realized that people dream big and execute silently, there are people who share their dreams and go on and on, and finally you end up sleeping and dreaming. These people are best avoided there is a difference when you talk big and dream big! 

I have realized that there comes a time when your mom and dad stop talking to you, probably because you did something outrageous, probably because you didn’t but was blamed, probably because you chose your own path, well, remember you are doing your own thing. 

I have realized that school friends are the best always. They have watched you grow up, hang out once in a while, you would be happy. 

I have realized that tears are mysterious and once in a while they just roll out, tears signify struggle, just make sure they don’t become your weakness, as Shakespeare says…For the smile I fear Millions of mischief…..and tears…TYRANNY OF THE WEAK. 

I have realized that lonely lunches are good, you get to taste the real FOOD! 

I have realized that travelling makes you a rich person…you don’t really need to be in a 5 star or travel by flight everywhere, but make sure when you do get to a place sleep in the village for a change, watch the locals how they sing and dance at night just to be happy, you would probably never understand them and they would never understand you, just shake hands and smile its the universal language of friendship. Don’t be too bogged down with GLOBALIZATION as an economic term, I remember Sri Sri once said Globalization began long back, wisdom never understood BORDERS!

I have realized that love starts at home (and not in college)…when you wait and watch, your wait will be worth the watch! 

I have realized that money saved is money earned! 


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  1. Abhinav, Very true & very hitting.

    but unfortunately though, very true, the 3 dimensions of existence.

    lets math is out! (am playing devil’s advocate here 🙂 )

    suppose i start building the next google or whatever.

    1) The probability that i would make it large, is dependent on over 100 parameters, practically, only 35-40% are those, over whom i could exercise control.

    2) Add to this, that on the other side, i am running on two rigid tracks, time & resource (read money, et-al). This puts serious  deviations to the already thinning probability of making it.

    3) In theory, 1 out of 100 get funded, but when in practice, i realise, its over 1 in 500 to 1200.

    4) Luck will take its toll, and either way, i believe it or not, its gonna take a role, whichever side.

    5) If i add all those parameters, the sum total of the probability of success is less than  0.005% . Plz detest  this, for higher grade.

     NOOOOWWWW. when you look at the Flat, Family & Fiance (FFF) – BTW, Fiance, already starts sounding like Finance, so be prepared  –  fools, suddenly, on a maturity level on the sojourn, you realise, that there is toooooooo much betting on a thing. Investment bankers (read buffet & all) say, never put all your money in a basket. In short, hedge your risks. But in a startup mode, there is simply ZERO hedging. And that’s when the real problems begin.

     In a virtual case, if i fail, all these FFF’s would come back, & not even say that look, ‘I told you’, they would rip-of-the-carpet below, and rob you of your confidence & ability to do anything creative, that you would ever want to do in life (Assuming you were almost near to the final exit of your startup, and had to bear serious losses)..

     The point i am trying to make is reallly veryyyy simplleeeeeee !!!

    In my ego & run-up to the passion for the dream i hold, it would be prudent to hold on to the wisdom and ‘follow-the-rules’ laid out informally by the tradition ( Including FFF, friends, religious guru’s, et-al) , even science ( read Maslow ) , get to the basics (read, get a flat, get married, & bring your family, also make some money, donate, do socio, et-al) and then they are the guys, who would comeeeee foooooooooorward to say, “Dekho, kuch naya karne ka socho, baki sab to sahi chal raha hai” .

     In a startup life, its not about failing, its about ‘Not Giving Up’, and quite literally, not giving up every bit of wisdom.

     Hope i am not sounding too conservative, fearful & dejected. But if unfortunately, there has to be a parachute, if you do need to crash land in life. 🙂 And that is common sense.


    Stay Blessed.  !!!

  2. Nice.  Am not sure if tears are the tyranny of the weak and money saved is money earned but the rest is good. 

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