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Need FeedBack – Intelligent Product Comparison

Hi Everyone,

We have released a fresh version of Please help us with feedback.

New Features:

A. Quantify every product based on different features. We provide a Feature Score, a score out of 100, to every product. This is calculated taking into account all the specifications of the product as compared to maximum of that available in market.

B. Quantify Value for Money. We have introduced FindYogi Index, a rating out of 5, that tells you if a product is worth buying at its current market price. This a completely automated feature that takes into account all the products, and their prices, of that particular category into account. We do not currently account for brand perception and novelty of the product.

Also, please provide us some tips on how we can spread the word about FindYogi. 


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  1. The shortlist feature needs to be a little more visually  higlighted. It took some time for me to figure out where it is. Once I search for a particular phone in search tab and after getting the results when I try to press shortlist so that I can compare with the other shortlisted one, the shortlist feature stops working.  The shortlist bar below does not appear.

  2. Thanks Karan. Will look into those 2 points. 

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