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Alok's Posts / Monastery

The Falling Toasts

Last evening, a world renowned Scientist visited the Monastery. Sensei invited him to address the monks.

The Scientist said, “For the past 22 years, I have analyzed how a toast falls from our hands, onto the floor. I have understood why a toast lands on the buttered side 62% of the time; I know that if a toast falls with jam on it, it is less likely to fall on the side with jam, as compared to a toast that falls with peanut butter on it. I have data on the falling ratios of toasts made from brown bread, whole wheat bread and multigrain bread. I have videotaped falling toasts and watched them like a forensic scientist.”

The monks did not clap and that surprised the Scientist. He was used to standing ovations.

Sensei clapped once, smiled at the Scientist and asked him, “Sir, do you know why a toast falls down from our hands?”

The Scientist said, “Oh, because we make a mistake. And I even know that only 1 out of the 134 toasts that we make, falls from our hands.”

Sensei clapped thrice and said, “Then why do you bother spending a lifetime understanding a rare mistake? All of us spend days and months introspecting, analyzing and taking notes of the mistakes others make. We become experts in the mistakes of others. Instead if we focus on what they do well, we will be redeemed quickly.”

The monks clapped. Head Monk was visibly moved. However, the Scientist did not get the point. He asked Sensei, “So what are you suggesting I analyze?”

Sensei smiled at him and said, “Analyze why the toast does not fall. Not what happens after it falls.”



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