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Alok's Posts / Monastery

The Fireplace

There is a grand fireplace in the meditation hall of the Monastery. Every morning, a fresh stock of wooden logs, twigs and a match box are neatly placed inside it. No one has ever seen a fire burning inside the fireplace.

Yesterday night after evening prayers, Angry Monk asked Head Monk, “Head Monk, what is wrong with the fireplace?”

Head Monk replied, “What is wrong?”

Angry Monk said, “It doesn’t burn. I have never seen it burning. And yet every day, there is a fresh supply of wood and twigs inside it. What is wrong with it?”

Head Monk again repeated himself and said, “What is wrong?”

Angry Monk got upset and said, “Head Monk, it’s not burning, that’s what’s wrong!”

Head Monk smiled and said, “Why is it not burning?”

Angry Monk said, “Because no one has lit it!”

Head Monk calmly said, “Why hasn’t anyone lit it?”

Angry Monk became red in the face and said, “Because no one has had the courage to. Today, I will light the fire in the fireplace.” Saying so, he stormed towards the fireplace and lit a fire.

When he returned to his seat, Head Monk ordered that the monks start a thirty minute humming meditation before retiring for bed. As the monks began meditating, the fire in the fireplace started raging and filled the hall with thick smoke. Some of the monks gasped for air, others began to cough and sputter. Angry Monk himself began choking.

As soon as the thirty minutes were over, the monks rushed out of the hall for fresh air. Head Monk opened all the doors and windows of the hall so that the smoke would disappear through the night.

This morning, as the monks assembled in the main hall, Angry Monk came in, bowed three times to the fireplace (that had been already been replenished with a fresh stock of fire supply), and then took his seat. It was clear that he had not slept well that night.

After morning meditation was over, Angry Monk stood up. He had tears streaming down his face. He requested Sensei for permission to speak. Sensei nodded.

Angry Monk said, “After arguing with Head Monk and choking on the smoke of the fire last night, I realized that the fireplace and was meant to remind us of the Fireplace of Anger that lies in our heads. The daily new supplies are meant to indicate that ‘a’ fire has to be lit, every day. After inconveniencing everyone yesterday, I realized that the fire meant to be lit was the one inside, not outside.”

Sensei clapped thrice and said, “Burn a Fire of Anger everyday in your mind. The things you may have accumulated during the day that caused you anger become the fresh supply of material for your Fire of Anger. This fire is best burnt inside, privately in your own fireplace, because it’s your own, special, unique fire.”



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