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Any suggestions / ideas on how to reach out to more potential customers?

Hi Everyone,

I started up a success coaching endeavor – Citrines.

My vision is to help individuals, teams and organizations achieve their highest potential. I have done Future Proofing (helping students plan their future) for a few students, but it spread through word of mouth. I have also done a workshop for top management and it was very successful – so I know I’m good at what I do.

What I’m not good at at all is sales. I just don’t seem to be getting anywhere with it. I have a ‘great product’ but don’t know how to put it out there. I have to approach training heads in organizations. And find some way to enter schools / colleges.

I have also contemplated getting someone for sales on a commission only basis (I’m a start up and cannot afford to pay till I get paid) But then again i’m not sure whether someone else will be able to sell these workshops since it is not a physical product, and it is very difficult not to get it typecast as just another training program.

Any suggestions / ideas would be of great help to me! 




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  1. hi sirisha,

    while i’m no web designer – i have some immediate feedback about your site (i’ll spare you web jargon, as i don’t use it myself!)

    the link of the site takes me to a page which is too confusing. so i tried to figure out what success coaching is all about – takes me to this page – where the font is too small to read easily.

    now when i click HOME – takes me to another page – 

    so shouldn’t this be the landing page that links to your site? 

    in my mind HOME PAGE & LANDING PAGE should be the same.

    i suggest you sort out vs 

  2. Hi Asha,

    Thank you for the feedback. 

    The site is a work in progress. Disparity noted. I will correct that as soon as possible. Do let me know if you have any more suggestions.

    – Sirisha

  3. Hi Asha,

    I have changed the structure of the website a bit and it looks a lot neater now I think. About the font size, I’m still trying to figure out how to do that. It seems my theme has that default size. Tell me what you think.

    Do let me know if you have any suggestions on how to reach out to potentials customers better. Right now I’m trying cold calls and my network!



  4. Hi Sirisha,

    I think there are a couple of things which you might want to ask yourself by putting yourself in your potential client’s shoes.

    • Why would someone trust your idea as you are a startup with no or limited experience compare to other big players in the market
    • If you are targeting colleges, the only thing they would ask you, correct me here if I am wrong is to help in getting their students placed. Most of them don’t really bother about the learning aspect for their students.
    • The presentation of your website if thats something you are trying to bring your business from is not complete. The twitter handle link is not working, the recommendation tab has only one company people talking about it.(just being a little critical from a user point of view)

    You need something more than cold calling and network. You need to have touch points at the right places for people to connect/follow and read your comments( Linkedin,Facebook,Twitter,blogs etc.)

    Can you list all your services in detail and their potential customers here with a way you will try to approach them. This way more people can get a clear understanding what you have to offer and then how Rodinhoods as a community can support.

    Feel free to reach out on in case you need some specific sales,marketing or branding related advice.

    Best of Luck!!!

  5. It is akin to having your own clinic versus a visiting specialist in a big hospital. 

    I would have attached myself to a big player, gained referrals and created my own identity before attempting solo.

    Am sorry for not being able to provide a direct answer to your question. Your question is not easy.

    -Himanshu Agarwal

  6. Hi Sirisha,

    I may not be able to help with your offline sales problems but there are many things you can do regarding your online presence. 

    First point is to be very clear if your website is intended to be just for information or you are using your website to sell for you. If you want your website to sell, it is not doing so right now.

    Your website should do the selling for you. Your website copy is sales in print.

    Your sales process starts from the moment people land on your website.

    The message on your Homepage should have :

    1. Instant Clarity

    2.Specific (whats the problem you are trying to solve and how you are solving it)

    3. Credibility + testimonials

    4. Call to action ( what you want them to do)

    Though your website itself is still a long way off, I think the most important question you need to answer for your prospect is ” Why should they choose you? What makes you different?”. Unless you answer this question in a compelling way, you are going to struggle with your sales.

    There are many things you can do to boost your sales online. If you are interested, plz message offboard me and I can help you out.

    The best way is to compare your website to someone in a similar niche and see through the eyes of a customer.

    Here is one link I found in your particular niche :

    I think they have done a great job. Very clear and specific and to the point.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Thank you for your advice Amit,

    I will work on all the points you listed. I’m thinking of creating pages on the website for listing the offerings in detail. Also working on my LinkedIn company page. Will then list that on the website as well.

    I’ll work on these points and then get in touch with you to see what you think.



  8. Himanshu,

    Thank you. I understand it is a difficult question. One that I’ve been trying to answer for a long time. 

    Coming to your point, I do have some experience consulting. Also I have an expert (specialist) on my advisory board who helps me design the programs as well run high level programs. I think I should bring that out better on the website. Thanks for the suggestion.



  9. Hi Ratnakar,

    Thank you for the suggestions and the link for comparison. 

    As of now, I’m not trying to sell through my website. It is only for information. I will keep in mind your suggestion while changing the website structure and make sure the questions are answered.



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