
How to leverage TheRodinhoods!

In case you are new to TheRodinhoods (TRH) and can’t figure out what’s it all about… I’ll try to answer your question 🙂

TheRodinhoods is an online community (platform) of entrepreneurs and anyone with an enterprising bent of mind. You could be a student or teacher, an aspiring entrepreneur or an established one – each one of you can be a part of TheRodinhoods and benefit or help others benefit!

TRH is a pro-bono and free community. We recognise that an entrepreneur’s journey is very lonely. Our endeavour is to make it less lonely by enabling members to reach out to each other!

So if you’re wondering…

HOW TO LEVERAGE THERODINHOODS? Well, here’s what all you can do…


1. Got any queries at all? An awesome idea you are not sure of?


We’d like to believe we’re the quora of startups and very often, members reach out to our 12K+ community to seek help/advice/guidance/insights, etc.

Make sure you make a detailed list of your queries to get some concrete responses.

2. Wanna showcase your new venture/product to get some early traction and constructive feedback?

Looking for some beta testers for your beta launch? Showcase your venture in Startup!

Reference Links – Check out 101 hot startups!

3. Do you have a vertical-specific query?

Simply ASK RODINHOODERS! We have different Rodinhooder experts who have volunteered to answer your questions!


4. Need information on everything related to Starting Up?

A la Funding, Funding Concepts, Sales, Esops, PR, Product vs Services and many How to’s from making an awesome PPT to raising money – CLICK ON ESSENTIALS! It’s loaded with startup PPT & Video ammunition!!

Check :

5. Need to make a Pitch Deck Got a meeting with an investor?

Use Alok’s FUNDING PITCH TEMPLATE and read Rudrajeet’s 99 Questions the investor is likely to ask you!


Use this to raise money or just evaluate your business!

6. Got a FUNDING PITCH but don’t know where to go with it?

Pitch it on therodinhoods! You never know it may catch an investor’s eye (happens plenty of times!)

References Links: Seed funding for an electric motorcycle project

India’s first creative network is looking for investing partners

How to get funding for a project which has great business potential (Rachana got funded through this post and even launched her venture on TRH!)

7. Hiring? Firing? Need people?

Our Jobs section is the right place!

And it works equally well if you are looking for a startup job! You can even get creative and post about the services you can offer to other startups!

Reference link – Of Donkeys & Unicorns

8. Want to tell us about your entrepreneurial journey?

Have some learnings & insights to share with all of us? Just click on ADD POST and get started!

Reference Link – Incredibly Insipiring Starting Up Stories on TRH

9. Alok keeps sharing his experiences, learnings and insights.


10. Feeling low or lonely (entrepreneurship gets very lonely at times)?

Get your instant dose of Inspiration right here!

11. Want to read some of our BEST CONTENT and just soak in some rodinhooding?

Click on Most Popular and don’t miss the RodinStar Posts !

12. Do you like answering q’s?

Earn some startup good karma by going through the posts in ASK FOR HELP and trying to answer some of the queries posted there! You will not only add deep value to the post for the author and other readers, you will also GET NOTICED!

13. Do you like interviewing people?

We have a dedicated section for Rodinhooders to interview rockstar entrepreneurs!

References: Meet Tanul, who brings Indian Food Culture to your table.

Meet Aakash, who is a mockingbird

14. Do you like attending startup events?

Become a TRH reporter and share the takeaways of the event! A lot of our partners from the startup ecosystem reach out to the community and extend invites. So pls comment below and share you details (city, kind of startups you like to attend) and we’ll ping you when the opportunity comes!

Reference links:

How to get funded when 200+ people ask in unison

TRH Mumbai Open House Roundup: A subtle fusion of creativity, capital & craziness.

15. Did a rodinhooder help you? Did anything on therodinhoods help you??

Write a TESTIMONIAL! Share some love!!!

So… these are just some ideas. There are many more ways you can use therodinhoods to your benefit!

ps: If you are a newbie and have never posted content on a platform like TRH, here are some basic pointers/guidelines which will help you get started and get noticed! 

BTW, all share-worthy content gets shared over our social networks as well as in the weekly newsletter. All wow articles are shared by Alok, who as you know, has a very large social media following (1lakh+ across fb, twitter, linkedin). Over weekends Alok also goes through the posts on the site and shares his feedback.

Good luck, have fun and Happy Rodinhooding!


co-founder, TRH