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Alok's Posts / Monastery

The Test

Thousands of aspirants applied to The Monastery each year for admission as a monk. Very few of them made it. Just one or two were admitted each year as monks.

This morning, three final candidates were presented to Sensei.

Sensei bowed to them and requested that they answer a question he would ask them – instantly, without thinking.

The contenders agreed and bowed to Sensei.

Sensei asked them, “Who are you?”

The most senior candidate replied, “I am…”

Before he could complete his sentence, Sensei waved him to stop speaking.

The second contender said, “I don’t know…”

Sensei waved him to stop speaking further.

The third person said, “I am here to find out..”

Sensei clapped twice and congratulated the third candidate. He was admitted as a new monk in the Monastery.

Sensei then clapped twice again and said, “If you know who you are, then don’t waste your time finding out again. And if you don’t know who you are, then find out; don’t just wonder about your ignorance.”

Sensei clapped again and finally said, “Knowing that you are ignorant is the first step towards happiness. Finding the answer is the second step. And using that knowledge to help others is the final step towards happiness….”



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