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Weekly Newsletter – Sept 7-13th

Mumbai Open House, AmigoRide, Cricket, Money Bulb, and much more!

My dear Rodinhood,

The countdown for the most happening Mumbai Open House yet, has started. In less than 24 hours, Sumant Mandal & Alok Kejriwal will set the stage on fire with an intense Q&A session!! If you’ve been away and still haven’t rsvped – this is your final boarding call!

Attendees pls carry your ID cards (and wear your Rh tee if you have won one!!!)

Rodinhooders of Delhi – don’t look so sad. There is an Open House waiting to be announced for you as well!! Watch this space NEXT WEEK! 

So, I’ve been parked in Mumbai for nearly a week now and am enjoying the Ganpati Fever 🙂 Yes, that’s why the newsletter is LATE today! Sorry….!

Let’s see what tempo has been like online in the week that was:


Alok has a serious problem with the Indian education system. Can you answer his 5 questions?

Are you an aspiring woman entrepreneur? Some tips for you!

We’ve got some forbidden marketing secrets… 

Employee loyalty + chicken curry = customer loyalty says Sarvesh


Startup/appy news!

AmigoRide – ridesharing with friends!

Cricket Fun Fact PRO – an app for cricket enthusiasts

Money Bulb – a funding marketplace for early startups 


Mixed bag:

The teachers Aman met outside the classroom

This rodinhooder is going through an ad network nightmare – pls help!

Rodinhooder Kriti has launched an ultimate guide to Startup Humour across the web

Can you explain your idea or biz plan in one simple sentence?

Every rodinhooder has a story! Read paawan’s story of a few failed ventures and more…

Do check the blog section – lots of new reads there

ASK and JOBs are sizzling hot as usual!

p.s: Last time I made a major typo in the main story – I wrote 99Pages instead of Page99 :(. The error is regretted.


So what if today is Friday the 13th…?

Be your own good luck charm!

Fight against the odds.

And write your own destiny.

That’s what Rodinhooders do, right?!


See you tomorrow Mumbaikars…

fondly, fondly, fondly… reporting from the g2w office!

asha chaudhry





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  1.  “Attendees pls carry your ID cards” – Which ID Cards u r talking about. Is there need to have any ID card for attending…?

  2. krishna,

    at the nse gate the security asks for any photo ID from EVERYONE. we all carry our photo IDs! (drivers license etc)

  3. Yes, we need to find out some way to make interaction during open house efficient. If at all we find a way through which everyone will know who is who and running which venture, etc, it becomes easy to find your potential associate, client, vendor, etc and interact with him.
    May be if we carry a batch or ID mentioning the name and venture, it may solve this issue.

    Plz comment and give some ideas….!

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