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(Comic) Entrepreneur’s Palm Reading: Certain Uncertainties

What would you do if you knew, right now, how successful your startup would be in the future?

If  you knew it wouldn’t be successful, would you still pursue the entrepreneurial journey? 

And if you knew it would be successful, would you work as hard at it, or just leave it to fate?

We all know there isn’t a sure shot way to determine the success. Many times, success comes from the toughest challenges and the deepest trenches and at other times, when you least expect it.

One way to get more insight into your future potential to succeed – look at your entrepreneurial characteristics.  You may find a dichotomy of traits: most successful entrepreneurs seem to have a mix of seemingly opposing traits:

  • A loner yet collaborative 
  • Loves and hates to leverage money
  • Simultaneously the smartest and most foolish person in a room
  • Silent yet determined
  • Cautious yet risk-taking
  • Eager yet calculated
  • Analytical yet creative
  • Optimistic yet realistic
  • Filled with humility and confidence
  • Lives in the present, yet relishes the future

So what does your palmist say about your future? Will you have many failed startups, or are you working on the golden egg?

What are the traits that will propel you to the next level of your venture? Let us know in the comments below.


This was originally posted on #entrepreneurfail: Startup Success.


Check out our other comics on trhs here.



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  1. LOVE THIS ONE KRITI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. you are super talented kriti!! every time i see your comic i wonder what is the next thing you’ll come up with and each time i’m only left wondering… 

    love how you co relate everyday things to entrepreneurship and depict it in such a simple manner… awesome!

  3. 🙂

  4. Thanks a ton 🙂

  5. @Kriti one more line need for sacrifice/ family support – you may get it or make it

  6. Amazingly Illustrated!

  7. Thank you! Look forward to all your feedback

  8. Brilliant…

  9. Sensitive as well ruthless.

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