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What is the best way to get credible content on the internet?

This is my first post.

I am Saurav, a freelance research guy for last 3 months. I am in to ML, NLP, Opinion mining, sentiment analysis etc.

My question is about getting credible content from internet on any subject.


1. I was researching about buying a mobile phone( Nokia X)  on web. I spend almost half a day researching about it. I found exactly opposite reviews about the phone. Some reviewed it very good, some said it is average and some said it is worst. I got really confused, finally called some friends to take there opinion and took a decision after that. If I wouldn’t have researched,I wouldn’t have face the dilemma. 

2. I was interested in learning about social media marketing and looking forward for a credible source. Again I faced a similar dilemma.There are loads of information but no way to learn which is good.I got exactly opposite review about same information.

Can anyone in the group suggest a clear path to get credible information about any topic.Is there any general rule which i can follow?

Does anyone know any startup who is working hard to simplify this process of getting credible things over internet easy so that decision making process can be simple and fast?


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  1. sourav,

    pls check out choiceman for mobiles – this site has been created by a fellow rodinhooder

    i think everyone refers to a couple of sites for reviews/feedback to get more or less credible info:

    eg for food – zomato & burrp are the preferred ones

    for foreign film reviews i go to: imdb, mubi, etc

  2. Hi Asha,

    When I researched ,I found a lot of sites  like findyogi,compareindia and some more. But my point is about information explosion, the more i read the more i get confused. Anyone can create a website today with loads of information and with some SEO/SMO trick ,the website can be promoted to 1st page of search engines. The idea is to earn money by showing ads, but is the internet created for showing ads ? According to me, the culprit here is the search engine itself which shows all types of information without thinking about its validity.

    My point is internet should be used for collaboration in a positive manner, so that people can benefit from the information provided. But the greedy mindset of handful of people is making it into monster with some serious concerns like privacy issues and identity theft etc. 

    I am curious about knowing any start up who is looking into fundamentals of internet from scratch and how we can make internet again as a collaborative tool. what others way are available to access information without search engines?

    As a research guy, I always have a different & rebellious mindset. I always think how we can improve things fundamentally by eliminating the negative things about them.

  3. “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called Research, would it?”

    — Albert Einstein~

    Information is a Commodity Available in Many Flavors!!!

    I always start with WIKI since it is already an aggregation and curated content and they also follow a Cheat Sheet which you can use too 🙂 #WIKIRH

    Source credibility theory is an established theory that explains how communication’s persuasiveness is affected by the perceived credibility of the source of the communication.

    You can also check the list here and adapt as per your own requirements though it is not directly related to your FIND requirements but to understand the other listed points by you, this could be a good example to start with.

    How to: Begin Basic Research (Academic)

    How to Evaluate the Credibility of a Source

    Evaluating Internet Research Sources by Robert Harris 

    Research Using the Internet Written by W. Brock MacDonald

    You can also read this and understand in the reference to context :

    Critical Evaluation of Resources

    Primary vs. secondary research. In determining the appropriateness of a resource, it may be helpful to determine whether it is primary research or secondary research.

    You Should also check this one out 🙂 

    Google doesn’t provide keywords data, what should I do?

    Always been a Dilemma for any Data Analyst for the Source and Reliability likewise 🙂

    Go with your GUT feeling, I can feel you!! 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Hi Darshan,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1.I am not an academic research guy. I am an independent research guy doing research by myself and with some friends.

    2. We want to know in detail about data,it’s sources,it’s effect on people based on source.

    3. We are looking for fundamental reasons of the information explosion,it’s affect on us as human beings and how much it can manipulate our decision making process. People will be surprised with statistics. 50-60% of people change their buying decision based on random data,those people are agreed to pay 30-99% extra for a 5 star rated product than 4 star rate product. It is a topic of debate as who decides these start ratings and how.This is the reason why we are so much serious about quality and source of data!!

    4.So  we are trying to find out an alternative real alternative avenue for reliable data. But it doesn’t matter how much sophisticated algorithm we are applying on all kind of data available today, we aren’t getting the expected results.  May be we need to think about something really revolutionary or we need to create an alternative ,reliable data source from scratch. As you rightly mentioned the quote on Albert Einstein , we really don’t know now, but will we be able to solve this puzzle. Definitely yes!!

    5. I want to mention another quote from Albert Einstein,

    “Imagination is more important than knowledge”

    We are trying to imagine a situation in future where the internet won’t have privacy concerns, very less unreliable data( it would be impossible to create a 100% reliable data source), no user tracking etc. Today we really don’t know how it will look like but it would be definitely way better than today.

    6.Whenever we get something concrete, we will try to post in lots of different forums like this to get feedback from others.

    I completely agree with you. It’s that GUT feeling that makes all the differences in life. I always follow my GUT feeling. It doesn’t matter even if I have to swim against the tide. I always believe in KARMA. We always can do our KARMA without expecting result.If we have one good ,result is bound to come. My 2 cents. :).

    Many thanks,



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